Mais algo para pedir á minha mãe … Descoberto aqui> This Knitted Slipcover is something really unique and creative. When I first saw this picture I was really impressed by the beauty of this knitted slipcover, and by the time involved into this project. This picture is from Erika Knight’s Simple Knits with a Twist: Unique Project for Creative Knitters and is called the Aran armchair cover. Now I don’t know how practical this knitted slipcover could be, but it certainly is beautiful ! What do you think is it … Hot or Not ? – Via
Este blog começou por ser um local para mostrar os trabalhos, maioritariamente de crochet, que a minha mãe tem feito. Contudo, rapidamente se tornou um local para deixar referência a ideias criativas, pouco convencionais e divertidas.